About me

Hi!! This is Ran from Comm&Edu, Teachers College, Columbia University.

I am passionate about exploring the world through colors and lines, capturing moments and emotions that are hard to describe in words. I like animation, so most of my works are more cartoonish, with bright colors and exaggerated lines. I believe that art can break the limits of language and use visual elements to convey unique stories. Every color, every line, carries my observations and thoughts about the world, showing the deepest feelings of my soul. I have some experiences of designing intellectual property image for some specific companies and making posters, which gave me more understandings of new media.

In my teaching experience, I am committed to guiding students to observe and perceive the world, discover their own interests and passions. True learning should come from individuals' inner drive, not external compulsion. Therefore, I encourage students to explore, consider, and develop their own learning methods from their personal interests. Through this spontaneous learning process, they can not only acquire knowledge, but also cultivate the ability of independent thinking and find ways to deeply connect with the world.


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