On/off experiment

We are living in the information age and are surrounded with a lot of messages every day, except for sleeping time. In the on / off experiment, I got the chance to leave technology and really embrace life. I explored New York with my friend, but this time I would't use my phone.

This made me uncomfortable at first, because I usually keep my phone in my hand when I go out, and this time with my hands empty, I felt like I'm partly missing. But soon I adapted to this "emptiness," because there was no interference from eletronic devices, I could devote myself to perceive the colorful world. As I walked down the street, I could notice many details I had never seen before. Without a map guidance, we wandered the streets and encountered many surprises.

Finally I asked my friend to take a photo of a suprising moment as a record of this experiment, because I decided not to use my phone this time. It was a valuable experience for me, which allowed me to touch the world outside of my electronic devices.


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